St. Nicholas Monastery, village Manastir, Mariovo
St. Nicholas Monastery is located in the beautiful wilderness of Mariovo region, in the village Manastir, and is one of the oldest monasteries in the Republic of Macedonia.
According to an inscription located on the southern and northern walls of the central nave, the church was built in 1005 by Alexius, the cousin of the Emperor Alexius Comnenus.
The Abbot Akakie, who before his monastic vows was called Joanikis in 1266 raises the present church, on the foundation of the small already ruined church in 1095. In 1271 during Akakie time the church is also painted.
According to the Greek inscription from 1560, located on the south facade of the church, it is concluded that the preserved fragments of paintings are from that period.
In XIX century major repairs of the church are carried out, especially on the arches, and in 1939 most of the west wall is rebuild.
In XIX century major repairs of the church are carried out, especially on the arches, and in 1939 most of the west wall is rebuild.
The whole church is fresco painted. In the first zone are presented full-size saints, among which stand out the Holy Warriors: St. Demetrius, St. George, Theodore Tyron, Stratilat etc.
In the second zone are painted busts, and in the third - scenes from the life of Christ.
In the south aisle are scenes from the life of St. Nikola (Nicholas) and in northern is represented monk Akakie, with the model of the church.
In the second zone are painted busts, and in the third - scenes from the life of Christ.
In the south aisle are scenes from the life of St. Nikola (Nicholas) and in northern is represented monk Akakie, with the model of the church.
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